This delicious thickshake is inspired by one of our favourite chocolate bars - BOUNTY.
This delicious, healthy, quick and easy shake is a delicious and fun way to start your day. It's packed full of goodness and flavours including coconut and chocolate...
Drink it, or it does also make for a perfect smoothie bowl. Simply topp with your favourite fruits & toppings - the choice is yours.
This shake is packed full of protein, collagen, healthy fats, fibre, selenium & calcium - just to name a few...
Shakes are a great way to get some healthy goodness into you, especially if you're short on time or want something cold and refreshing for breakfast...
This shake / smoothie is gluten and grain free and we love it...
So without further ado, let's get on with the recipe!
Happy Cooking!
The Chai Home 😋
1 serving
1x cup of coconut yoghurt
1x large banana
1x tsp of cocoa powder
1x levelled dessert spoon of peanut butter (or any nut butter)
1x tbsp of dessicated coconut (plus extra for sprinkling on top)
a dash of coconut milk
1x dessert spoon of chia seeds
protein powder - optional (your recommended serving)
collagen powder - optional (your recommended serving)
Simply add all of the ingredients to your blender or a jug and blitz until all of the ingredients are fully combined.
Pour into your favourite glass and sprinkle with a little more dessicated coconut.
Serve and enjoy!