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Ginger & Garlic Stir Fried Veggies

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

This fresh, sweet and zesty dish is AMAZING!

It's full of flavour and is super quick, super easy and super healthy....

Win win!

This makes a perfect veggie bowl or an accompaniment for a tasty oriental feast with friends or family - it's sure to impress...

The flavours rock and it is also suitable for vegans if you swap out the honey for some maple syrup...

You're welcome!

Goes fantastically with fried rice or noodles and you can easily add or swap out some veggies for your preferred veggies, the choice is yours...

Whenever I cook this recipe it makes the house smell AMAZING and you'll be counting down the minutes until you can sit down and tuck in...

The flavours are sure to give your taste buds a FIESTA!

Happy Cooking!

The Food Fiesta Team


For the stir fry veggies

  • 1x large courgette

  • 1x large bell pepper

  • 1x large onion

  • 1x large garlic clove

  • 2x large carrots

  • 1 cm size of ginger

  • 1 tbsp coconut oil

  • pinch sea salt

  • pinch black pepper

For the sauce

  • 1x thumb piece size of fresh ginger

  • 1x small lemon ( juice only )

  • 1x large clove of garlic

  • 1/4 cup soya sauce

  • 1/4 cup rice vinegar

  • 1/4 cup runny honey ( can swap with maple syrup to make it vegan )

  • pinch of sea salt

  • pinch of black pepper


Start with preparing the sauce.

Remove the skin of the ginger and finely dice into tiny pieces.

Crush the garlic, remove the skin and dice finely into tiny pieces.

Add the ginger and garlic to a bowl.

Add the lemon juice.

Now add the soya sauce, rice vinegar and honey to the bowl.

Add a pinch of salt and pepper and mix all of the ingredients together well.

Put to one side.

Peel and finely dice the ginger.

Crush, peel and finely dice the garlic.

Prep all of your veggies - I like to dice some, slice some in strips and ribbon the carrots with a peeler. I love different textures in a stir fry

Add the coconut oil to a large frying pan and put onto a high heat.

Add the onions and sliced carrots and fry for 1-2 minutes.

Add the ginger, garlic, salt and pepper and mix together for 2 minutes.

Add the remaining veggies, except the ribbon carrots. Mix well and fry for 2-3 minutes.

Once the veggies are slightly soft add the sauce and stir turn the heat to low.

Add the ribboned carrots, stir and cook for 2 minutes.

Serve and enjoy - the sauce is delicious and can be soaked up with rice or simply drink it from your bowl like a soup.


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