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How-to Make DIY Anti-bacterial Kitchen Cleaner

INGREDIENTS For DIY Anti-bacterial Household Cleaner

  • 1x cup of Water

  • 1x cup of White Vinegar

  • 2x tbsp of Isopropyl Alcohol 70%

  • 20 - 30 drops of your favourite Anti-bacterial Essential Oils - you can use a mixture

Equipment You'll Need To Make A DIY Anti-bacterial Household Spray

  • Brown Glass Spray Bottle

  • Small Funnel

  • 1x Cup Measurer

  • Tablespoon

How To Make A DIY Anti-bacterial Household Cleaner

  1. Place your small funnel into the opening of a clean brown glass spray bottle.

  2. Pour the water through the funnel.

  3. Pour the vinegar through the funnel.

  4. Pour the alcohol through the funnel.

  5. Add in you drops of essential oils.

  6. Remove the funnel.

  7. Secure the Spray lid.

  8. Shake your bottle to mix the ingredients.


  • Shake bottle before each use, to help blend the ingredients.

  • Spray and allow the mixture to sit for 1 minutes, before wiping. This allows time for the alcohol to penetrate and help kill bacteria & germs.

  • Wipe using a clean dry cloth, or paper towel.

What Essential Oils Are Good Anti-bacterial Oils?

There are many, many Anti-bacterial Essential Oils, and we tend to use a variety of essential oils, depending on our mood, and season. Find below a list of some of the Anti-bacterial Essential Oils.

  • Tea-Tree Oil

  • Oregano

  • Thyme

  • Rosemary

  • Ginger

  • Lemon

  • Peppermint

  • Pink Grapefruit

  • Eucalyptus


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