Fajitas are definitely a family favourite for dinner, especially at the weekend.
Fajitas are a real social and fun dinner, where everyone can tuck in, and help themselves to all the yummy toppings.
The recipe we are sharing for the fajita seasoning is for a single meal. However, you can easily multiply the ingredients to make a larger batch of the seasoning. This is what we tend to do. We like to make up a large batch, so we always have fajita seasoning to hand, whenever the mood for fajitas strikes.
If you do decide to make a larger batch, just remember to store it in an airtight container with enough room to be able to give the seasoning a good shake before each use.
*A little tip that we always recommend when making fajitas, or tacos, is to add the juice of 1 lime to your meat, or veggies once you've seasoned. It really helps to bring out all those delicious flavours.
Ingredients For Fajita Seasoning Mix
Makes enough seasoning for one Large meal
2x Large Pinches of Sea Salt
Large pinch of Pepper
3x heaped tsp of Ground Coriander
1x heaped tsp of Sweet Paprika
1x heaped tsp of Smoked Paprika
1x heaped tsp of Cumin
*Optional 1x tsp of Dried Chilli Flakes
How To Make Fajita Seasoning
Simply add all of the ingredients into a small bowl and mix together until evenly combined.
Add to your Fajita meat or veggies, or store in an airtight container.