It's highly frustrating when you shop at your local farmers market or veg store, and you come home with a bagful of delicious and fragrant fresh herbs, all with the great intentions of whipping up something delicious through out the week. However, that doesn't always go to plan, does it?
I'm sure we've all had the same problem. We stock up on the fresh herbs, only to find that when we go-to grab them to use, they've wilted, gone slimey, and the leaves have started to turn colour.
Well, we have a very simple and very effective solution to this very annoying, and sometimes costly problem.
All you'll need is;
a glass, or glass mason jar
some water
plastic food bag.
Half fill a glass or mason jar with water
Pop the bunch of herbs into the glass or jar. You want just the stems to be at least half submerged in water
Place a large plastic food bag over the herbs. Ensure they are fully covered
Pop it into the fridge
It's such a simple and easy method, and our fresh herbs are still nice and fresh, even after 1 week.