We like to keep lunchtime quick, simple & Delicious and this recipe ticks all of those boxes...
This simple & healthy lunch recipe is a big hit with our family and is a regular go-to lunch.
Eggs are great any time of the day. They always taste good however they're cooked, but we especially LOVE eggs when partnered with the flavours of Chinese cooking.
The fresh garlic, ginger, spring onions, coriander, lime & soya sauce take the eggs to the next level...
The whole dish in prepared, cooked and served within 10 minutes or less and that makes us LOVE it even more...
Happy Cooking!
The Chai Home 😋
Serves 1
2x Eggs or how many you would like
150g of finely Shredded Green Leaf Cabbage (we buy pre shredded)
1x spring onion - finely chopped greens included
1x Clove of garlic - finely sliced
1x cm cube of peeled fresh Ginger- grated or finely sliced
Juice of half a lime
Large pinch of sea salt & black pepper
2x tsp ground coriander
2x tsp of gluten-free soy sauce
1-2 tsp of sesame seeds
1x tbsp of olive oil
Hot sauce or sweet chilli sauce - for serving
Pre heat a small - medium frying pan and then add the oil. Heat for a few seconds before adding your garlic, ginger & spring onion.
Fry for 1-2 minutes before adding your salt, pepper & coriander.
Mix in the seasoning and then add your shredded green cabbage. Stir together well.
Add the soy sauce and lime juice and fry all together for 3-4 minutes or until your cabbage is soft.
Meanwhile add some oil to a preheated frying pan and then fry your eggs until cooked to your preference.
Once everything is cooked go ahead and plate up your greens and then top with the fried eggs.
Sprinkle some sesame seeds on top and drizzle with your favourite hot sauce, siracha or sweet chilli sauce - Enjoy!