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The Benefits Of Freshly Milled Flour & Why We No Longer Buy Flour From The Supermarket

Writer's picture: The Chai HomeThe Chai Home

It's definitely NO secret that the majority of the food sold in the supermarket these days are unhealthy and loaded with unnatural and unnecessary ingredients.

The majority of foods sold in my opinion do not even qualify as, 'FOOD'.

In short, most of it is not fit for human consumption, and avoiding it can be extremely difficult.

A rule we try to stick to when shopping at the supermarket is, stick to the outer aisles, and stay clear of the middle aisles.

Fresh produce such as vegetables, fruits, meats, dairy and eggs tend to be on the outer aisles, and the unhealthy processed foods all tend to line the middle aisles.

Avoid! Avoid! Avoid!

Like we mentioned above, it can be extremely hard to avoid and one of the biggest factors we believe is, the COST.

For some ludicrous reason the healthy foods are far more expensive than the unhealthy processed foods - Madness!

It's no wonder that there is an epidemic of overweight and unhealthy humans.

The majority of food is SO far removed from its natural form, that sadly, unless we can all grow and produce our own food 100% naturally, then humans will continue to suffer from the foods we consume.

The subject of where our food comes from and how it is tampered with is an interesting one, and that's why we've decided to implement changes and improvements to the foods we, as a family choose to consume. One of them being, Freshly Milled Flour from Organic Wheat Berries.

For us flour is a fantastic place to start, especially when considering how many foods that we consume on a regular basis contain 'flour' as a main ingredient;

  • Bread

  • Pasta

  • Cakes

  • Biscuits

  • Noodles

  • Tortillas

  • Thickener in sauces & gravy

  • Pies

  • Quiches

  • Morning Pastries

  • Pancakes

The list goes on and on, hence we thought this would be a good place to start implementing change.

But What's Wrong With Shop Bought Flour?

A good question, and one we most definitely asked. I mean it's just flour, what can be bad, right?

Well, in reality it's not just flour. White Flour bought from the supermarket is 'Enriched' flour. Meaning it has other ingredients added to it such as, Iron and B-Vitamins. All added to replenish the nutrients robbed from the unrefined product.

During the manufacturing process of turning grain into flour two parts of the grain are removed. The Germ and the Bran.

The Germ part of the grain is rich in minerals & B-vitamins, all essential for health.

The Bran is the fiber-rich portion that contains a variety of minerals & protein.

The remaining 80% - 85% of the grain left after processing is called, Endosperm.

Endosperm is the white flour portion of the Milled grain and is predominantly protein and startch. However, while the endosperm does supply many essential amino acids not widely found in other foods, it is virtually lacking of vitamins and minerals.

It undergoes even more processing in order to create a finer powder, which is sold in our supermarkets. Depriving the flour of even more vitamins & minerals, and in hindsight creating a food that has zero nutritional value.

And yet, white flour is one of the most consumed foods on the planet - that's crazy.

When the grains are produced into white flour it removes most of its fiber and destroys pretty much all of the minerals & B-vitamins. Hence why the store bought flour is 'Enriched' with minerals, B-vitamins, and iron in order to replenish what was lost. Sadly though, that is not all that is robbed from the grain during the flour process. Other vitamins, minerals and goodness are also lost including Selinium, Vitamin E, Zinc, Magnesium Protein, Antioxidants and Fiber. However, only Iron and B-vitamins are added back in.

"Refined Store Bought Enriched White Flour Has Zero Nutritional Value"

What Are The Benefits Of Wholewheat Freshly Milled Flour?

Besides from tasting superior to store bought flour, it's also satisfying to know that the flour you and your family are consuming, contains No Chemical Additives. Milling your own Organic flour at home gives you the freshest flour, and best taste possible, all while restoring its minerals and vitamins, which are essential.

Also, many of us in our family have struggled when consuming White flour with;

  • Swollen and bloated stomachs

  • Digestive and Gas problems

  • Headaches

  • Inflammation

  • IBS

However, these health issues, thankfully have not arisen while consuming our freshly milled flour - AMAZING!

During the milling process once the outer layer is broken or penetrated the nutrients begin to rapidly deteriorate. When the Germ and Bran are exposed to air, they very quickly begin to oxidise and spoil.

Something to consider when you're purchasing flour from the store next time - How long ago was it milled?

When we mill our flour it is used immediately. We mill just enough for the recipe or recipes that we wish to make on that day, so no waste and no spoilage of the flour. Plus, we get to consume all the healthy vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein and oils, naturally, in their true form, unlike the synthetic ones added to store bought 'Enriched White Flour'.

Shop bought Milled flour also has a shorter shelf life. Wheat Berries on the other hand do not, and if stored correctly your wheat berries will last indefinitely if not damaged.

How Do You Mill Your Flour At Home?

There are several options available to those who wish to mill their own flour at home, and are easily stored on your kitchen worktop or cupboard. Most are extremely fast and efficient and with a quick search on Google you're sure to find one suitable for you.

We are currently using the Kitchenaid attachment for milling our flour, and we are perfectly happy with it. It meets our current needs and we are satisfied with its performance.

Reading reviews online it seems that other electronic kitchen top Mills are quicker at grinding the flour, however the Kitchenaid attachment was more financially viable.

It takes us roughly 10 minutes to mill approximately 1Kilo of Wheat Berries, which is longer than some other electronic Mills, (but much, much quicker than doing it by hand 😁)

Do We Recommend Milling Your Own Flour At Home

Absolutely! Yes, it may take longer than simply grabbing a bag of flour from your cupboard, but the pros outweigh the cons.

For us, knowing where our food comes from and keeping food in it's truest, naturalist and healthiest form is a priority, especially when you are consuming a lot of it.

And it tastes FANTASTIC! Your baking is going to be taken to another level.

A fantastic book that we would recommend is called 'The Essential Home-Ground Flour Book' by Sue Becker.

It's a really informative book, plus it contains 100 delicious recipes to make with your freshly milled flour.

If you're not ready to mill your own flour at home, then perhaps consider the following healthier options when shopping for flour in your supermarket. Why not try looking for, 100% organic Wholewheat or 100% organic Wholegrain.

We'd love to hear your experiences with freshly milled flour at home or any tips you could share with others.

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