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Top 5 Must-Have Fresh Herbs To Use In Your Cooking

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

Herbs are essential ingredients when it comes to cooking. They can completely transform a meal from okay, to AMAZING! Besides their various delicious flavours, herbs are said to have many health benefits, including the prevention of different cancers and heart disease. Different herbs are used across different cuisines, with oregano and basil being common in Italian cuisine and curry leaves being used often in Indian cuisine. With so many herbs out there to choose from, it can be hard to know which ones to use. In this list, we're going to show you our top 5 favourite herbs and how to use them in your cooking.

1. Lemon Thyme

Lemon thyme is one of my all time favourite herbs. It tastes and smells exactly like lemon and is super fragrant. It's great to have with chicken dishes, such as cheesy chicken or roast chicken, but is also good to have in salad, or with hummus, in falafels, or in noodle salads. If you're looking for a fresh zestiness to add to your meals, then this is the herb for you. It's just so versatile in cooking that it can pretty much accompany any dish. Definitely buy this herb when you come across it next, as it will really enhance the flavours of your meals and bring them all from good, to AWESOME!

2. Coriander

Coriander, also known as cilantro, is a small herb commonly used in Asian and Mexican cuisine. It has a very distinctive fresh and fragrant taste that really adds a lot of flavour to your food. It goes so well in so many dishes, but some of our favourites include squash soup, noodle salads, chilli, pumpkin falafels, tacos and we even have it in salad dressing. Once you start using this herb, you're not going to be able to stop as it truly gives your taste buds a FIESTA! It's also easy to find in most shops and so we highly recommend that you buy some as we guarantee that you will not be disappointed...

3. Sage

Sage has a fragrant, earthy, slightly citrusy taste. It's often used in British cuisine, where it is primarily used in comfort foods such as stuffing, stews, roast pork or chicken or turkey, hotpots, sausage casseroles, yorkshire pudding dishes such as toad in the hole and also in gravy. In Italian cuisine, it's frequently used in risottos, pasta dishes (including gnocchi, ravioli, tagliatelle and fettuccine) and is also melted with butter to make a sauce that is often poured over pumpkin ravioli. We also use it in our cheesy chicken. Overall, sage is a definite must-have herb that adds aromatic flavours to your dishes and we highly suggest buying it...

4. Rosemary

Rosemary is a delicious herb with a bold, distinctive taste that goes particularly well with red meats. You'll see it used often in western Mediterranean regions such as Italy, France and Spain and also in England. It's great to have with roast beef and lamb and we especially like having it with roast potatoes. It's also quite common to have with dishes that call for red wine in the recipe. Besides potatoes, it goes good with many other roasted root vegetables, such as carrots and parsnips. We also incorporate it into our balsamic veggies recipe. If you're wanting to add some extra, delicious flavours to your roasted goods, then this is an absolute must-have herb.

5. Basil

Basil is a well-known herb that is most often used in Italian cuisine. It's fresh and fragrant and pairs particularly well with pizza and all kinds of pasta dishes. It's also a necessary ingredient in pesto and is commonly used in tomato sauces. You'll also often see it with salads and chicken dishes. One thing we like to have it with is our cupcake frittatas. Native to Southeast Asia is a variant of basil known as Thai basil, with popular use in the cuisines of Thai, Vietnamese, Lao and Cambodian. It's often used with chicken, in curries and also in stir-fries and has a slightly spicy, liquorice-like flavour. Basil adds a burst of flavour to your dishes and can completely transform them and so we highly recommend buying this must-have herb to make your tasty dishes even better. We love using all different kinds of herbs in our cooking to add all sorts of flavours. We hope you liked our list of must-have herbs and will begin incorporating them into your food to truly give your taste buds a FIESTA!

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