Breakfast can be so much more that just a bowl of cereal or toast...
It's time for exciting, delicious and super healthy breakfast recipes and we think you are going to love this fuss free breakfast recipe...
No complicated or unusual ingredients - it's super simple and tastes AMAZING!
With my daughter being vegan, I am always eager and excited to create delicious new recipes for her and yes, this breakfast recipe got her seal of approval...
And no, you don't have to be vegan to eat or enjoy this breakfast, our whole family loves it, I mean what's not to love - it's chocolatey, gooey and sweet...
This breakfast is packed full of goodness and is sure to keep you full until lunchtime...
We really hope you love this breakfast as much as we do...
Happy Cooking!
The Food Fiesta Team
serves 2-3
1x cup of oats
1 & 1/2 cups of coconut milk ( or your favourite plant-based milk )
1/4 cup of vegan cocoa powder
2x bananas
handful of strawberries
handful of pecans ( or your favourite nuts )
1x tsp of vanilla
1x tbsp of molasses ( or maple syrup )
Pre heat the oven to 240 C
In your oven dish add peeled bananas and mash with a fork.
Add the oats, cocoa powder, milk, vanilla and molasses and mix together well.
Slice your strawberries and arrange them with the pecans on top.
Place into the pre heated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes or until the oats are almost completely set. We like a little bit of gooeyness.
Remove from the oven, serve and enjoy.
This came out so good! 😃 Big thanks! 😊